Installing Your Roof
We’re Focused Only on One Roof. Yours
We Build Your Roof As If We Own it Ourselves
Installing Your Roof
We’re Focused Only on One Roof. Yours.
We Build Your Roof as if We Own The Home Ourselves. We Take Pride in Our Work So You Can Take Pride In Your Home!
Since 1996 we haven’t wavered from the same commitment to quality on each and every roof we complete. You are in great hands when Ranch Roofing installs your roof.

When Ranch Roofing visits you, we’re always COMPREHENSIVE, CONSULTATIVE, HONEST, and you’ll always feel COMFORTABLE.
This is great!
You’ve selected Ranch Roofing to install your new roofing system. Excellent decision!
What’s next? – Color selection.
The immediate decision is color selection. Your Ranch Roofing representative should help you through the color selection process.
The dumpster? – Emailing the Skinny
Once a color is chosen and three to four days before the project is to be started you will receive an email from the lead project manager. The email will detail dumpster placement and what else to expect in the following days. If you have any questions concerning this email, please feel free to respond.

Colors. Colors. Colors.

Contact? – A Project Manager on Every Project
Ranch Roofing employs project managers on every roofing project and they are all GREAT. One of their major responsibilities is make sure your job runs smoothly.
Anything to do before Roofing day?
Assume small pieces of the old roof will fall into your attic. How much depends on the shrinkage of roof boards, but if you care about any small pieces of debris/dust coating your attic, it is a good idea to cover.
There will be lots of hammering and walking on your roof. This means ANYTHING on a wall or ceiling could fall and break. Makes sense. For this reason Ranch Roofing cannot be guarantee pictures or anything else hanging on your wall or ceiling will not be damaged or cause damage from falling, so please take precautions.
Any tips? – Roofing Day Is Here!
Be prepared for an early arrival. Often as early as 7:00 AM. Which leads to……… see neighbors!
Any tips? – Roofing Day Is Here!
Be prepared for an early arrival. Often as early as 7:00 AM. Which leads to……… see neighbors!
Meeting The Project Manager? – For sure!
Allow some morning time to meet with the project manager. It probably won’t take long, but it is important for everyone, customer and company, to be on the same page. No one wants a misunderstanding. Think about anything you would like to discuss with your project manager and please bring it up. Going over the project at start represents best roofing practice.
Neighbors? – They might be pretty close!
Neighbors. Sometimes you love them and other times not so much, but they need to be prepared for the early arrival and what is in store for the day. There will be tons (literally) of roofing material stripped, so if your driveway/property is tight quarters with another property, it might be a good idea to give them a heads up. If the situation warrants, it is courteous to offer your neighbor a “heads up”, if the neighbor’s car might need to be moved for the project.
Wrapping up!
Knowing what to expect is important. Our project managers strive for excellent communication with you and the “hello walk around meeting” is the right step towards achieving it. You are now part of our Ranch Roofing family and should expect every Ranch Roofing employee to treat you with respect and be courteous.

Lotta banging when installing your roof!