Roof moss is a major issue for all homeowners who do not act accordingly to prevent or remedy the issues. Not only is it unsightly, but this is also an issue that can negatively impact your roof lifespan, primarily asphalt, which means moss removal is quite important. Proper spring roof maintenance is a key driver in preventing roof moss, but what exactly causes it in the first place? While it is almost entirely preventable, there are many reasons that cause moss on your roofing system from tree cover and the absence of sunlight to excess moisture possibly stemming from not cleaning gutters. While not comprehensive, we have compiled a list of common causes of roof moss so that homeowners can be vigilant in identifying the warning signs before they become bigger issues for your home’s roofing system.
Roof Moss and Excess Shade
Due to the average wet weather, coupled with high amounts of tree cover, homes in the Northeast are at a high risk of developing roof moss. As previously stated, algae on your roofing system is not only unsightly, but also weakens your roofing system and will drastically impact the lifespan of your roof if not addressed properly. Just because your home is in the shade, does not mean that you are automatically going to develop moss growth. There are other factors, mostly heat, that cause uncontrolled moss growth. This means that you should not be worried about removing snow from your roof for causing moss. Although, not removing snow presents other potential issues for your home. Excess shade and tree cover causes your roofing system not to properly dry which creates a hotbed for roof moss growth. While roofs are excellent in shedding water, shingles are not completely superfluous. This means that while they shed much of the water they face, shingles will still stay wet long after a storm. In areas of excess shade, this moisture does not evaporate in a timely manner and opens up the possibility of moss growth.
Water Shed Issues
An important step in halting roof growth is engaging in proper fall cleanup of your roofing system. Much like excess shade, when your home cannot properly shed water, you open up the possibility of developing moss and algae growing on your roofing system. Water shed issues can come in many forms, from areas of debris to clogged gutters. Any time your roof holds water for extended periods of time, issues may arise even beyond algae growth. To best ensure an extended lifespan in your roof, it is wildly important to stay vigilant on proper cleanings, maintenance, and repairs.
Roof Age and Moss Growth
While there are instances beyond age that can cause growth, most roofs will develop moss later in their lives. When shingles begin to break down, they cannot shed water as easily as they did when new. If your roof is aging and you notice roof moss developing, it may be time to call a professional for a free estimate. A quality roofer will be able to quickly determine the cause of growth on your roof and help guide you in next steps from repair to replacement.