fun and functional kitchen skylight ideas

Kitchen Skylight Ideas for Fun and Functionality

Although a skylight can significantly impact the atmosphere of any room and enhance its natural light, its power is especially evident in the kitchen. Particularly in kitchens where there is only a minimal amount of natural light, having a skylight installed can meaningfully alter the space. To find the right professional skylight contractors for your project, looking at the company’s customer testimonials can be helpful. This feedback can guide you toward an expert team who will collaborate with you and execute your kitchen skylight installation in line with your goals. In addition to your own kitchen skylight ideas, the following are some other benefits that can accompany a kitchen skylight feature.

How does a kitchen skylight improve the functionality of the room?


Any skylight increases the availability of natural light to a given area. However, plentiful light in the kitchen is about more than preference and overall visibility. It’s also about safety. Learn more about why a skylight can be especially advantageous in a kitchen!

  1. Safety: More light means less chance of slipping on any spills, bumping into pans or appliances, and accidentally experiencing burns, cuts, or any other potential injuries. In short, light is not just a preference but a matter of personal health!
  2. Ventilation: People often choose operable skylights because they increase air circulation. For comparison, bathroom skylights help prevent issues like mold, which can also become a health hazard. In the kitchen, a skylight can reduce any buildup of smoke or other cooking fumes and odors. If an unexpected cooking fire should occur, complications of smoke-related accidents, unhealthy air, and even fire damage may be lessened, since kitchen skylights offer an additional release for smoke or heat.
  3. Plants: One unique kitchen skylight idea is the integration of built-in shelves with your installation. In doing so, you can create a special greenhouse-like feature and grow your own herbs and small plants, which will be directly accessible while you are cooking.
  4. Storage: Using the kitchen ceiling for primary lighting frees up wall space for additional storage. Especially in multipurpose kitchens, more storage space is always needed!
  5. Glare reduction: Glazing on a skylight typically helps with energy efficiency and heat control, but it can also reduce glare on surfaces. This feature can lessen extra eye strain and, as another safety bonus, diminish the likelihood of being startled by flashes off of the numerous shiny objects and appliances.

Why can a kitchen skylight bring fun to the kitchen?


In many residences, the kitchen is the heart of the home. It’s not just where the cooking and other meal magic happens. It’s where people come together to support their health and well-being beyond what’s on their plates. These kitchen skylight ideas can help you and your loved ones make the most of that room.

  • Natural light is a known mood booster. Leverage this benefit to encourage your kids or spouse to tell you one more story about their day or to enjoy some impromptu chat while making an evening snack.
  • It’s hard to enjoy cooking when you can’t see where things are or can’t fully see what is unfolding in your grandmother’s cast iron pot. People eat with their eyes, as it’s often said, but they cook with their eyes too. Immerse yourself in the culinary experience by adding a kitchen skylight to enhance all of your senses.
  • With more light available, there is more opportunity to get everyone involved. Instead of holiday baking being a one or two person operation, everyone can have a hand in making the favorite recipes, designing the plates, or assisting as the designated taste tester.
  • Especially in properties with less square footage, kitchens serve multiple purposes. A kitchen skylight adds a unique lighting that can easily transition into a homework space, game area, art room, or meditation spot.

In addition to family bonding opportunities and improved utility, the addition of kitchen skylights may increase the appeal and associated market value of your home. According to the real estate resource, Trulia, kitchens are one of the two most valuable rooms in your home, so increasing the appearance, versatility, and functionality of the space with a kitchen skylight is a smart investment as well as an enhancement that you will enjoy.

If you are thinking about a kitchen skylight as part of a new roof installation or as a separate project, the Ranch Roofing professionals are ready to provide expert service and help fulfill your vision for your residential or commercial property. Contact us today to discuss any questions that you may have or to request a free estimate. We look forward to working with you!