roof leaks in heavy rain

What to Do if My Roof Leaks in Heavy Rain?

It is quite terrifying for a homeowner to develop roof leaks in heavy rain. Roof leaks in heavy rain can range wildly from small water spots to small rivers coming through lighting fixtures. Some leaks may not even be immediately visible and only show up the next day in the form of a discolored spot on a ceiling or wall. Any leak signifies a fault within your roofing system.

When built, a roofing system is designed to completely shed water. All possible pooling areas of the roof are considered to best ensure water moves away from the roofing. Shingles also create an impervious barrier that stands up to almost all weather events. Faults within a roofing system can develop from many different aspects and lead to leaks. These range from simply old age to direct damage, and rarely, faulty products. No matter the cause, a roof leaking in heavy rain should be acted upon immediately. This is done to ensure no lasting damage.

While it may seem like the best option, a homeowner should never attempt to climb onto their roof during a storm to cover a leak. This is dangerous, especially if the roof becomes slippery. You should move all valuables away from the area of the active leak and place buckets or towels to prevent standing water. These are temporary solutions that will get you through the storm.

Why You Should Call a Pro for Roof Leaks in Heavy Rain?


Unfortunately, roofers often see roof leaks stemming from heavy rainstorms and weather events. Roof repair is a common practice for smaller areas of damage that are leaking. A quality roofing contractor will be able to get to you as soon as possible to check out the issue causing your leak. While not common, they may have to come during an active storm if the roof leak only occurs during heavy rain.

Once a contractor determines the cause of the leak, they create a plan to effectively combat it. For older roofs, a replacement will be necessary as it is quite difficult to repair older shingles. Often, when an aging roof is repaired, more issues present themselves elsewhere. Experienced roofers maintain cut-off points where an area of damage requires a full replacement versus a repair. Assuming a repair can be done, they will be scheduled as soon as possible. If a storm is incoming, a contractor will be able to install a temporary solution prior to the repair, such as placing a tarp over the problem area.

Where Can Roof Leaks Occur?


If your roof leaks in heavy rain, you may question exactly where it is coming from. Problem areas on roofs can develop just about anywhere. Looking at a roof’s anatomy, there are a myriad of components all working in unison. Most often, direct damage will break a shingle which leads to an area that doesn’t shed water as well. In more rare cases, direct blows can create holes in the roof. Any piece of a roofing system can fail which makes it more difficult for a roofer to determine the cause. Whether it’s a cracked piece of flashing, or missing shingles it often looks worse than it is.

Roof repairs are almost always an effective solution to roof leaks in heavy rain. This will restore your roof’s ability to shed water. If your roof leaks in heavy rain, don’t be afraid. Call a quality roofing contractor and begin the process to repair and get your roof back to normal.